Fellow musicians,

For a long time it has been my goal to make an album that is not a 100% electronic. Over time I was introducing some instruments acoustic / electric, but nothing of great prominence.
I thought this opportunity would enjoy and invite all those who think they can contribute positively in the songs of FRAME.
To begin I would like to invite musicians in the following instruments:

Electric and acoustic guitars
electric Bass
acoustic piano
female voice

You can hear these instruments (in this case electronic) in the following songs:

Beyond the galaxy of lights (electric bass, electric guitar, acoustic piano, flute)
Cotton surface (acoustic guitar, Sitara)
Solar station (electric guitar)
Soft blue skin (electric guitar, bass guitar)
Spirit within (electric guitar, flute, female voice)
The nothingless (electric guitar)
Soul Dreamer (electric bass)
Spacious inside (acoustic and electric guitar)
Let it go (trumpet)
Floating birds (flute)
Laments for peace (Sitara, electric bass)
Follow my steps (acoustic guitar, flute)

If you feel you can contribute in writing to the disc the way you described it constructive or otherwise, please contact me.
Thank you.

L. Miguel Ribeiro ka MIG
Mobil: - +351 916031039
email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Amigos músicos,

Desde há muito tempo que tem sido um objectivo meu fazer um álbum que não seja 100% electrónico. Ao longo dos tempos fui introduzindo alguns intrumentos acusticos/electricos, mas nada de grande destaque.
Pensei que com esta oportunidade seria de aproveitar e convidar todos aqueles que achem que podem contribuir positivamente nas musicas de FRAME.

Para começar gostaria de convidar musicos nos seguintes intrumentos:

  • Guitarra electrica e acustica
  • Baixo electrico
  • Trompete
  • Sitara
  • Flauta Transversal
  • Piano acustico
  • voz feminina


Podem ouvir estes instrumentos (neste caso electronicos) nas seguintes musicas:

  • Beyond the galaxy of lights (baixo eléctrico, guitarra eléctrica, piano acústico, flauta transversal)
  • Cotton surface (guitarra acústica, sitara)
  • Solar station (guitarra eléctrica)
  • Soft blue skin (guitarra eléctrica, baixo electrico)
  • Spirit within (guitarra eléctrica, flauta transversal, voz feminina)
  • The nothingless (guitarra eléctrica)
  • Dreamer soul (baixo eléctrico)
  • Spacious inside (guitarra acústica e eléctrica)
  • Let it go (trompete)
  • Floating birds (flauta transversal)
  • Laments for peace (sitara, baixo eléctrico)
  • Follow my steps (guitarra acústica, flauta transversal)

Se achares que podes contribuir na gravação do disco da forma que descrevi ou de outra forma construtiva, por favor contacta-me.

Miguel Ribeiro ka L.MIG

Tlm: - 916031039
email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Messenger - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.